OIL AND GASTechno has over 30 years of experience in the oil and gas industry. We have a strong history of delivering oil and gas projects at all levels from upstream to downstream. The cross country / export pipelines and facilities we engineer and construct have an outstanding track record with respect to start-up and performance.
INFRASTRUCTUREQuality performance and client satisfaction are core values at Techno Infrastructure Development. Techno has developed the construction capabilities with hands on project management experience to deliver cost effective construction services.
POWERTechno group evolved from the parent company, Techno Engineering Services; an ISO 9000-14000 certified integrated engineering and construction compan
WATERWe offer water treatment services and solutions for industrial water treatment, water produced during oil and gas production, waste water treatment and water desalination. We ensure our clients that precious water resources are protected and managed in a sustainable manner.

Techno offers a complete range of API line pipe manufacturing for the oil and gas cross country/ export / transmission pipeline applications.

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We offer water treatment services and solutions for industrial water treatment, water produced during oil and gas production .

Techno Group is a multi solution provider being regional and international conglomerate giant in infrastructure .
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