
Capitalizing on Techno’s prior experiences, internal expertise, international best practices along with reputable partners, we are capable of delivering high-quality engineering solutions for the most challenging projects. Our engineering expertise covers the entire spectrum of projects in Oil/Gas, Infrastructure, Power, and Water sectors. We deliver right and fit-for-purpose services and solutions to our clients to maximize assets value, improve competitive positioning, and increase long-term business success.
We offer engineering services and solutions for conceptual design, front-end engineering and detailed engineering including support to procurement, construction and commissioning & start up.
Some of our services are highlighted below:
- Technical Safety
- Process Engineering
- Plant Layout & Piping
- Civil, Structural and Architectural Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Control Systems Engineering (Instrumentation and Automation)
- Electrical Engineering
- Document Management
- Pre- Commissioning, Commissioning and Startup
Some of the services of Engineering stages and the studies are: